Ford Explorer Sport Recalls - Automobile Magazine.
ford Recalls | Auto123.View official NHTSA Ford Aerostar recalls and safety notices for Aerostar problems at Automobile Magazine. Learn about all 2013 Ford Expedition recalls, problems & breakdowns, auto solutions, and other reports directly from the NHTSA and Ford. Search our database. View official NHTSA Ford Explorer Sport recalls and safety notices for Explorer Sport problems at Automobile Magazine. View official NHTSA Ford E-150 Econoline recalls and safety notices for E-150 Econoline problems at Automobile Magazine.
Ford Thunderbird Recalls - Automobile Magazine.View official NHTSA new and used Ford Hatchback recalls and safety notices for vehicle problems from Automobile Magazine.
Ford E-150 Econoline Recalls - Automobile Magazine.
Ford Probe Recalls - Automobile Magazine.View official NHTSA Ford Aerostar recalls and safety notices for Aerostar problems at Automobile Magazine. Learn about all 2013 Ford Expedition recalls, problems & breakdowns, auto solutions, and other reports directly from the NHTSA and Ford. Search our database.
Ford Aerostar Recalls - Automobile Magazine.
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Ford GT Recalls, Safety Notices, & Car Defects - Automobile Magazine.Recall ID# 12980 - ENGINE AND ENGINE COOLING:COOLING SYSTEM Recall Date: February 25, 1997. Units Affected: 75200. 1993 Ford Tempo. Recall ID#.
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